First Cognitive Sciences Accelerator Receives Scientific Approval in Iran
22:00 - February 09, 2023

First Cognitive Sciences Accelerator Receives Scientific Approval in Iran

TEHRAN (ANA)- The first active accelerator in the field of cognitive sciences received knowledge-based approval from the Iranian Vice-Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.
News ID : 1578

The first innovation center and cognitive accelerator in Iran succeeded in receiving the knowledge-based approval from the Vice-Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy by completing the acceleration process of startup teams with the support of the Development Headquarters of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies.

From now on, the knowledge-based accelerator will help the acceleration processes and commercialization of products and services of start-ups in the field of science and cognitive technologies while developing activities in the country's innovation and technology ecosystem.

Commercialization of cognitive products and technologies, specialized training, mentoring, providing technical and business consultations, providing workspace, financing, interaction with the activists of the ecosystem of innovative and creative businesses in the field of cognitive sciences are among the plans of this innovation center.

This innovation center and accelerator of cognitive sciences was previously established with the support of the headquarters for the development of cognitive sciences and technologies with the aim of helping business development and introduction of startups and knowledge-based companies to the market, and a joint memorandum of understanding for acceleration activities was also signed between the Vice-Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the headquarters.




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