Islamic Azad University Researcher Offers New Ideas about Voltage Regulators

Islamic Azad University Researcher Offers New Ideas about Voltage Regulators

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian graduate of Islamic Azad University has written a book about voltage regulators, capacitors and parallel reactors in power systems.
News ID : 2900

Sadegh Jahanbin, a graduate from Islamic Azad University (Rafsanjan branch) has written a book available in the market entitled "Distributed Systems with D-FACTS devices."

“So far, in line with the goal of optmizing power distribution networks, many articles have been presented and have proposed the installation and operation of distributed generation sources, the installation of capacitors and tap changer transformers and other devices and ways to reduce real power losses and improve network voltage,” Director of Electrical Engineering Department of Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan branch, Hessam Rahbari Magham said about the book in an interview with ANA news agency.

“For example, distributed generation sources with optimal installation in network buses by injecting active power into the network can reduce losses and improve the voltage profile in the network,” he added.

A bus is a node where a line or several lines are connected and may also include several components such as loads and generators in a power system. according to a study on the internet.

“Also, voltage regulators, capacitors and parallel reactors installed in the network can improve the voltage distribution in the network by injecting or absorbing reactive power,” Rahbari Magham explained more.

He also explained that D-FACTS devices, which are tthe Distributed Flexible AC Transmission System (D FACTS) in short can be installed in a distributed manner in the distribution system.


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