Iranian Scientists Develop 2 Types of New Sensors in Biophotonics Research Center

Iranian Scientists Develop 2 Types of New Sensors in Biophotonics Research Center

TEHRAN (ANA)- Head of the Biophotonic Research Center of Islamic Azad University’s Tabriz branch declared production of two types of ‘electrochemical’ and ‘bio-optical sensors based on liquid crystal and plasmonics’ sensors.
News ID : 566

“Based on the research carried out at the Biophotonics Center, we have produced devices that can act as high-precision biosensors in laser designs to treat infertility and laser in photodynamic therapy of cancers,” Habib Tajalli told ANA.

“We have made two types of sensors in the Biophotonics Research Center, including ‘electrochemical’ and ‘bio-optical based on liquid crystal and plasmonic’,” he added.

Tajalli said that certain equipment have also been produced which can use LED to produce uniform light intensity to provide light to biological environments and sensing gates based on liquid crystal and plasmonic, adding that these gates are used to detect diseases and have a very delicate structure.

Elaborating on application of laser in the treatment of infertility, he said, “In this plan, we tested the laser on mice in a laboratory. We tested the effect of laser on their fertilization after making the mice infertile.”

Biophotonics is the study of optical processes in biological systems, both those that occur naturally and in bioengineered materials.

A particularly important aspect of this field is imaging and sensing cells and tissue.





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